Salesforce-only online forms

Blog: October 2, 2023

Online forms are the perfect way to collect data and seamlessly import it into your In-Form system.

We spoke to Olivia Cannon, In-Form Head of Product, to see how this can be done on In-Form with Salesforce-only online forms and save you the cost of additional purchases. 


Using forms

“Online forms are perfect for referral forms, assessments, raising maintenance jobs, feedback, and logging attendance – to name but a few!


“The data entered into these forms can then go straight into your In-Form system and get to work in the way you want it to. This saves you the time of inputting data manually and repeatedly.


“Previously, we’ve used a variety of third-party applications to do this for you, but these come with their own costs. We know this isn’t viable for everyone who uses In-Form, so we wanted to implement Salesforce-only forms as a cost-effective for you to have functionality with no costs.”


How Salesforce-only forms work

“You have an online form that fits the look and feel of where you want to host it (usually your website).


“When someone completes the form, it pushes the data into a form submission record in In-Form.​ The form submission record acts as a backup and ensure that a clear data log is kept of exactly what the person submitted. 


“Automation then pushes the data from the form record to the corresponding records in In-Form e.g. Client record, Timeline, Assessments, etc​.”


The benefits of Salesforce-only

“Saving on licence costs and having price stability isn’t the only benefit to having Salesforce-only forms in your In-Form system.


“You will have the safety and security of the Salesforce system, and can rest assured knowing that your data will go straight into your In-Form system, quashing any GDPR concerns.


“You’ll also be able to specify the automation you want, with multiple options of how your data is handled when it comes into your In-Form system, having greater flexibility whilst working with your In-Form Consultant.”


Things to consider

“It’s important to consider that it will take a little longer to configure, particularly if you require a lot of customisation.


“If you require complex functionality; such as e-signature capture; you may find that Salesforce-only isn’t the right solution for you and you may require a third-party app, but you can discuss this with the sales team or your consultant.”


How to get Salesforce-only forms

“If you currently have In-Form, the best way to get these is to raise a case from within your system.


“Otherwise, when you’re discussing your options with the sales team, mention that you need some form capacity and they’ll be able to advise the best solution for you.


“Happy form-ing!”


We <3 forms

Olivia wanted to leave us with this graphic on why we love forms so much here at In-Form!


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